Tver State Medical University
We are happy and proud to present our partners and friends with whom we have managed to achieve significant success in various aspects of work and are expecting to have more in future:
Saarland University (Germany)
- foundation of Russian-German research-practical-training centre of endoscopic surgery
- foundation of Russian-German research-practical-training centre of innovative technologies in ophthalmology
- foundation of joint laboratory of molecular genetics
- development and implementation of Russian-German program in pediatric cardiology
- opening of the TSMA representative office at the Saarland University
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and MASHAV (Israel)
- development of public health practice and education in Tver and the Oblast
Bicon Medical Centre (USA)
- foundation of teaching and clinical centre of dental implantology
Medical University in Lublin
- (Poland)
- students exchange program at the faculties of general medicine and dental medicine
The history of the Tver State Medical University opens up in 1902 when courses for dental students were arranged. In 1936 the Leningrad Dental Institute was founded. In 1954 by decision of the Soviet government the Institute was transferred from Leningrad to the city of Kalinin.
In 1986 the Institute was awarded the prestigious Nations Friendship National Award for outstanding contribution to international education, collaboration and development. In 1994 after renaming of Kalinin to Tver, the Institute was also renamed and got the status of the Academy.
- 1902 – Dental School was founded in St. Petersburg by I. A. Pashutin
- 1919 – the Institute of Public Dentistry was founded and led by E. N. Anderson
- 1924 – the 1st Dental Laboratory was founded and led by Z. B. Pirjatinsky
- 1926 – St. Petersburg Scientific Dental Polyclinic was founded
- 1927 – St. Petersburg Scientific Dental Institute was founded
- 1933 – Leningrad Dental Institute was founded
- 1936 – Leningrad State Dental Institute was founded
- 1954 – Kalinin State Medical Institute was formed
- 1957 – first graduation at the Dental Faculty
- 1958 – first graduation at the Faculty of General Medicine
- 1962 – the Institute started to train doctors for foreign countries
- 1989 – the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies was founded
- 1990 – the Faculty of Pediatrics was founded
- 1994 – Tver State Medical Academy was formed
- 2001 – the Pharmaceutical Faculty was founded
- 2003 – the Faculty of the Advanced Nursing Education was founded
For more than 70 years the Tver State Medical University has been playing a leading role in the development of medical science and training of medical practitioners and scientists. It is always among the top 10 Medical Educational Institutions according to the annual official rating of the 48 Russian Medical Educational Institutions. Today it is the largest medical scientific, research and educational centre, noted for its extensive clinical and laboratory base and a brilliant teaching staff. The Academy possesses a complex of buildings designed for practical classes, lectures, laboratory studies, research work and auxiliary services.
The Tver State Medical University is a public educational institution and operates under supervision of the Ministry of Health and Social Development and Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation .
The TSMA has 6 faculties:
- Faculty of General Medicine
- Faculty of Dental Medicine
- Faculty of Pediatrics
- Pharmaceutical Faculty
- Faculty of Advanced Nursing Education
- Faculty of Postgraduate Studies
Rector of the Tver State Medical Academy is Prof. M. N. Kalinkin. President of the Tver State Medical Academy is Prof. B. N. Davidov.
The Tver State Medical Academy is a home for 4700 students simultaneously. Every third student in the Academy is a foreign national. The Academy consists of 63 theoretical and clinical departments. It occupies 6000 beds in 10 various hospitals, including specialized hospitals for oncology, tuberculosis, infectious, skin and sexual transmitted diseases. The Academy owns dental clinic of more than 200 chairs, the clinic considers being one of the best and advanced in the country.
The Academy provides training of specialists not only for Тver and Tver Oblast but also for other regions of Russia — Tula, Bryansk, Novgorod, Pskov, Moscow, Kaluga, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Vladimir, Murmansk, Vologda, Karelia.
The Tver State Medical Academy is officially recognized by the UN agencies for health care and education. For more than 47 years (since 1962) it has been training specialists for 57 countries of the world. Today teaching in the Academy is conducted in Russian or English.
One of the main aspects of work of the Academy is its clinical activity. Clinical departments of the Academy are integrated to the structure of municipal and regional health care institutions. Main surgical, therapeutic and dental departments in Tver are headed by the Academy professors and associate professors.
The Faculty of Postgraduate Studies was opened in 1989.
Nowadays at the faculty doctors can receive training in various medical specialties, such as obstetrics and gynecology, anesthesiology and reanimatology, ENT, ophthalmology, infections and tropical diseases, cardiology, gastroenterology, immunology and allergology, radiology, physiotheraphy, general surgery, cardiovascular surgery, oncology, psychiatry, trauma and orthopedics, urology, pulmonology, dermatology and STDs, neurology and neurosurgery, endocrinology, public health, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, pedodontics, periodontics, inplantantoology, general dental surgery.
Duration of courses is from 2 to 3 years and can be individually scheduled.
In addition departments of the Academy provide annual vocational training for medical professionals from Tver and the Oblast.
More than 15000 doctors from Russia and abroad have completed courses at the faculty and successfully work all other the world.
The Faculty of Advanced Nursing Education was founded on 2003. Its main goal is to fill the urgent and constant demand from nursing service supervisors for highly qualified middle-grade medical workers.
Degree of a nurse is the main entrance requirement for the faculty. The duration of the full-time course is 4 years, part-time — 5 years. Students who complete the course and successfully pass all exams receive the degree of “Manager”.
The Faculty provides its students with modern knowledge in the following areas:
- general organization of nursing service;
- effective management of human, financial, technological and scientific resources;
- monitoring and evaluation in nursing;
- scientific research and nursing;
- modern aspects and principles of nurses training.
Although the faculty is relatively young, it has already proved its effectiveness and high competitiveness.
The Pharmaceutical Faculty of the Tver State Medical Acadmey was founded in 2001. The main task of the Faculty is the basic training of specialists in pharmacy for institutions of pharmaceutical industry and educational establishments.
The faculty has two forms of training: full-time (5 years) and part-time (5,5 years).
At the classes tutors use various educational methods such as lectures, discussions, case-studies, simulation of clinical situations, preparation of drafts of research proposals, different means of multi-media and web-based technologies. Students receive knowledge not only in medical subjects but also in marketing, management and commodity research. To enlarge and deepen the knowledge obtained in classrooms all the faculty students should undergo 4 mandatory internships at pharmaceutical institutions of Tver and the neighboring regions.
Graduates of the faculty are employed in state and private pharmacies, pharmaceutical factories and companies, public health bodies, educational institutions, bureaus of forensic medicine and law enforcement agencies.
The Dental Faculty of the TSMA is the oldest dental faculty in Russia. It is the successor of I.A. Pashutin`s Dental School founded in 1902 in St. Petersburg. Nowadays the Tver State Medical Academy is one of the leading and most prestigious places for dental education in Russia and Eastern Europe.
The Faculty of Dental Medicine of the Tver State Medical Academy is:
- more than 800 students;
- 363 tutors;
- 40 departments.
The academic staff of the Faculty includes 9 PhD holders with completed postdoctoral research and 45 PhD holders with completed doctoral research.
Much attention at the Faculty is paid to practical training and sharpening of necessary manual skills. For this purpose the Academy owns the dental clinic where students of the Faculty have full approach to patients under supervision of their teachers.
The duration of professional studies at the Faculty of Dental Medicine is 5 years. Graduates of the Faculty become skilful in modern methods of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of oral cavity diseases in children and adults. They are always in demand in dental clinics of Russia and abroad.
The Faculty of Pediatrics was founded in 1990. More than 300 tutors of 45 departments provide training for 600 students at the Faculty.
The teaching hospital departments of the Faculty are located in the regional hospital, 4 municipal hospitals and 2 municipal polyclinics in Tver. Maternity centers, health centers for children and infectious diseases departments of general hospitals are also used.
Training in 9 clinical subjects (hospital therapy, hospital surgery, trauma and orthopedics, endocrinology, children’s dentistry, radiology, preventive medicine, clinical biochemistry, dermatology and STDs) is provided at the Academy’s own newly constructed clinic.
The TSMA staff members work in cooperation with the regional medical centre for adolescents, regional service of medical genetics and the regional neonatal centre.
Degree of pediatrician enables the faculty graduates to work as a general pediatrician, neonatologist or children’s surgeon. The degree also provides access for a broad variety of postgraduate training courses.
The Faculty of General Medicine was founded in 1954. It is the biggest faculty of the Academy and consists of 45 theoretical and clinical departments located in the main building of the Academy and 10 teaching hospitals.
The total number of student at the Faculty is more than 2000, including 1000 foreign students. The duration of studies is 6 years.
For the first 2,5 years of training students are mainly focused on theoretical subjects at the departments of biology, medical physics, chemistry, biochemistry, human anatomy, histology, physiology, pathology, microbiology, Latin and foreign languages, social sciences. During the last 3,5 years students are offered extensive practical training in various fields of therapy, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, public health and prevention. One of the most distinguished features of our medical education is a full every day student-to-patient contact at all clinical classes. This provides unique opportunity for students to be well skilled in modern diagnostic and treatment approaches.
Development of research skills based on modern methodology and up-to-date equipment is another important part of the program. All departments of the Faculty provide facilities for students to be involved in research under the guidance of the Students Scientific and Research Association led by the tutors from the Faculty.
The teaching staff of the Faculty pays much attention to acquainting students with life-threatening emergency conditions. For this purpose the Academy has organized a special training centre, well-equipped with modern phantoms and computerized models enabling students to simulate different kinds of emergency conditions and learn how to deal with them.
Graduates of the Faculty work in all regions of Russia — from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean, and world-wide from Canada to Australia.
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